Monday, February 9, 2015

Challenge:  Children exposed to risk, stress, or trauma

Topic:  Children who are bullied

I chose this topic because I have a soft spot for children who are bullied.  My own child was bullied and so was I.  I believe my child was bullied because she was slow to warm up to people and appeared shy.  And as I mention previously I was a shy child.  My daughter’s experience was greater than my own.

She experienced bulling in school, especially middle school which spilled over into our neighborhood.  All of the children around her joined in and she felt alone.  At some point even children who she thought was her friend joined in the bullying.

I have seen over the years that bullying begins at the preschool age.  Those are the children that i pay most attention to, the victim and the bully as well.  I have incorporated some strategies and one is teaching children to treat their friends with respect.  Being friendly is usually a classroom rule to assist in managing my classroom. And at some point, if reminders don't work, then the friendship/kindness lesson is extended throughout the day by using books, puppets, and having them work on teams.

1 comment :

  1. Hi Donna,
    I have seen preschoolers bully each other. They sometimes sound like older children when they are doing this. As teachers it is up to us to teach children how to get along and accept difference. It is up to us to find various methods to use such as a friendship/peace table, get a long t-shirt for two,
