Friday, April 24, 2015

Blog: Final Thoughts
            I can truly say that I have grown as a professional because of this course, the materials in this course, the media, and the discussions and comments of my colleagues.  I can also say that Dr. Bosier has made comments of my work that have helped me to think deeper and relate experiences that I had forgotten.
The book that was assigned that highlighted a culture that was never really revealed to me prior to this course gave me a new perspective on the cultures in our American society and how we are so quick to give up on people when we don’t understand or disagree with the way others live.  The Hmong tribe still lived in a primitive fashion, bringing their traditional culture with them to a modern American society of medical professional that just did their job and nothing more. There were some individuals in the book that did go above and beyond their call of duty to assist Lia and her family.  If it had not been for them, Lia may not have lived long.
I really connected with Shaun Adrian in the videos presented in our course.  I have always been sensitive to people and what they feel, especially young children.  It is his success story and stories of resilience that give hope for a successful future.  I think that the early childhood field should harbor individuals who can connect emotionally, simply because life has it challenges and children cannot learn nor be successful in learning and life if they do not have a bridge to help them through turbulent times. 

Of course my colleagues shared numerous stories that have made me laugh and some have really helped me to relate to issues that I have not experienced in my work with children.  The education of the teacher is my focus and the educators who have shared their stories and strategies are the true heroes because they stayed in this fight for the sake of our future lawyers, doctors, and government officials.  I thank God for them and have committed my life to the work of helping teachers to reach inside, go beyond, and search for their true calling and what they can contribute to the lives of young children and their families.